Faculty of Creative Multimedia

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Patriotism Poster

Assignment 1_Patriotism Poster

Before I start with flash, I have used Adobe Illustrator to do draw some human figure to represents Chinese, Malay and Indian.
First, I have drawn a Malay figure with the photo of a baju melayu that I found from the internet as a guide for the clothes of the Malay figure. I also used the guide lines which helps me to draw the figure, so that it won't run out of shape.
Same as the Malay figure, I have used an image of a Sari from the internet as a guide for me to draw the clothes for the Indian figure.
As for the Chinese figure, I too have used an image of a Cheong Sam from the internet as a guide for the dress of this figure and so I have completed the three main races of Malaysia.
As for a Patriotism Poster, I think that the National Flag is the most important thing, so I have traced a Malaysia Flag using Adobe Illustrator.
Other than the National Flag, the Petronas Twin Tower is also an important symbol that represents Malaysia. So I have drawn the shape of the tower using Adobe Illustrator for my Patriotism Poster.
Of course the most important thing that shows patriotism would be the 1 Malaysia logo and so I have found one from the internet and used Adobe Photoshop with the magic wand tool to crop it.
After all the work, I have finally done my Patriotism Poster.
After all of the preparation, I can finally start working on my Patriotism Poster with Adobe Flash. At the first scene, I have used the Chinese Figure to create an animation of it walking straight towards the screen along with the typo "CHINESE" that slide through diagonally.
At the second scene, the Malay figure walks out from the left side along with the typo "MALAY" that slide through from the right.
After the Malay figure joined the Chinese figure, the Indian figure walks out from the right side and join with the 2 other figure along with the typo "INDIAN" that slide through vertically.
After the 3 main races stand together, I have used typo with different colors of the National Flag to create a dialog of "We may be DIFFERENT in CULTURAL", "DIFFERENT in SKIN COLOR", "But we work together" to illustrate that the 3 figure are saying the same thing together.
After the dialog "But we work TOGETHER", I have used the Twin Tower that slowly grows bigger from the background to illustrate that the 3 main races work together to build the tower and after that, the comes out of the dialog "Live TOGETHER AS" followed with the logo of 1 Malaysia to represent the unite of the 3 races.
At the last scene of the animation, the national flag slowly rises behind of the 3 figures and followed with the "MALAYSIA BOLEH" as a symbol of the believe of the peoples toward Malaysia.
This is the image of the layers to show that I have renamed all of the layers while working with Adobe Flash.

Saturday 24 March 2012

My self introduction

Hi, my name is Liew Kwan Chuan and this is my blog for Computer Graphic 3.I'm new for flash and it's a fun software, so, i hope that we can get along well and learn more about flash. =)